Soften fine lines, reduce acne with simple Home Massage Techniques
I will show you 4 quick Facial Massage techniques, which you can easily do at home. By regularly combining it with your skincare routine. You will get even better results. A Facial Massage will not only reduce tension and tiredness in your face. As well giving you a more youthful appearance and it’s such an easy Anti-Aging technique. Facial Massage will also improves circulation and help unblock toxins in your pores. Reducing breakouts, millia and acne. As well as achieving a more healthy glow
Everyday Facial Home Massage techniques for reducing wrinkles
Get into the habit with your skincare routine to add these 4 easy anti-aging massage movements. When you moisturise never use downward strokes. As that can drag and stretch your skin causing eventual sagging. Always use across or upward strokes. With regular Facial massage you can depuff your eyes, soften forehead lines, define your cheeks and firm your jaw lines.
Facial Massage that might actually help improve your acne
Just like an aging skincare routine. By adding these 4 acne reducing massage techniques on a regular basis. You not only help your skin but your Scrubs and Masks will work much better for you. By boosting your circulation you rid your skin of toxins. Relaxing your face also decreases your stress levels. Which is good for Acne causing hormones. Also try a chocolate mask it’s a great detoxifying and balancing mask for Teenage Acne
Step one: Define jawline
With your index finger and thumb, pinch the skin along your jawline. Starting from the center of the chin and going outward to just below your ears. For anti-aging this works to unclog the lymph nodes. Reducing sagging along the jaw and under your chin. Use small little pinches. Try this great Facial Massage an Indian Head Massage. Includes upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face.
For Acne this will clear any congestion in the skin tissue and pores. Causing swelling and inflammation. Use slightly bigger pinches.
Step 2: Lift your cheekbones
Take your index and middle finger and push up under your cheekbones towards your temples. For anti-aging use more firm kneading massage motions. This drains the toxins in the muscles and tissues. Doing this about 10 times back and forth daily. With this technique in a few weeks your cheeks will start looking more defined.
For Acne finish by pinching the fleshy part of your cheeks. This increases your circulation. leaving you with a healthier glow. For teenagers make sure they have a good skincare routine
Step 3: Soften Lines
Place your thumb at your temples and three middles fingers on the middle of your forehead. Using circular movements move out towards your temples. For anti-aging do for 60 seconds. This stimulates Collagen to helps minimizes lines, Which helps keep your skin tight and taut.
For Acne this also helps increase circulations and flush out toxins
Step 4: Depuff your eyes
Using your index fingers on the inner corner of your eye to the outer corner of your eyes. For anti-aging do this when using your eye cream with a light pressured sweeping motion. Then from underneath the eyebrow to one end. To top of the eyebrow to the other end. Do about 10 rotations going slightly firmer. This help push excess fluids out, also decreases puffiness
For Acne do a more pressing motions. Helps pump out lymphatic fluids and lessens dark circles