Why Indian Head Massage is so popular and so good for you

Why is Indian Head Massage so popular?

Having an Indian Head Massage is the most calming massage you will ever experience. Having your head and scalp massaged feels so soothing and calming. Putting you in relaxed and happy state

So what an Indian Head and Scalp Massage does is release all those good hormones. Like Dopamine which kinda makes you high and happy like a drug but only natural. Or Endorphins that totally soothe and relax you. Plus Serotonin which basically leaves you in a good mood like a natural anti-depressant.

Because you’re focusing so much on your beautiful head massage you start to clear your mind. Feeling more peaceful and even a little sleepy. As well as focusing on the upper back, shoulder, neck and head muscles. Also helps with Migraines, Headaches, Insomnia and Stress

Indian Head Massage

What are the fantastic benefits?

If your suffering with Headaches or Migraines regular Indian Head Massage can help relieve the pressure. By focusing on Acupressure points and Massaging the neck and shoulder areas. Another beneficial Massage for Headaches is Chinese Cupping which also uses Acupressure but with suction cups 

As well as helping with Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Insommia. When your stress levels are up Cortisol, Adrenaline and Norephrine hormones are increased.  By massaging your scalp therefore increasing oxygen supply to the brain. This is the best way  to decrease your stress levels and reduce anxiety. 

As well as relieving back, shoulder and neck ache. Improves your concentration and memory level. Increases energy levels and improves circulation therefore detoxifying your body.

Indian Head Massage

What’s in our Indian Head Massage Package?

If you’re feeling emotionally rundown and stressed out then this Massage is for you. Think of it like someone pressing your reset or refresh button. Combine this with a Shiatsu Massage which is ideal if your feeling physically rundown and tired. This type of massage focuses on the flow of the body and your overall health. Not sure which type of massage is for you 

Starting with a beautiful calming Passionfruit oil. Massaging your mid to upper back, shoulders, neck, head, scalp and face. Using pressure points to release muscles pain and tension. At certain pressure points this can help release blockages and disperse  toxins. Which balances and increases energy levels.  

We also nourish the scalp and hair by massaging a creamy Banana hair treatment. Then with hot steamed towels wipe your oils off. Leaving you feeling totally refreshed, relaxed and a calm sense of peace

Relax & Rebalance 
Indian Head Massage  Brisbane
Indian Head Massage Gold Coast
 041 568 1889

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